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Archive for US Election

Obama Or Mc Cain ???

Americans will vote one of these two candidates as a president for the states..Obama or Mc.Cain… on 4 of November 2008…

Obama is well known in Indonesia as he was lived in this country for several years.. And Mc Cain…are well known as the vietnam’s war veteran…and many of Indonesians disagree with the war if based on economical tendencies…

So…no wonder…lf several Indonesian are try to support Obama more than Mc Cain…and a lot of them forgot that Obama had underlining his speech and political point of view for the existence of Israel…So…I do believe in…if Obama win this election. he will try to push our government to get a legal political relationship with Israel…As the president of Super Power State…he will do everything he can to push this idea.

It’s a pity to see some of Indonesian can not get this idea…which has been appointed from Obama before some Israelians.. will be the same conditions and situation, if state leaded by Mc.Cain. why……it’s simply well known..he was a George Bush Jr, puppet…Wasn’t he?

Last…to be honest…there will be no extreme change of State’s political point of view to INdonesia, whether lead by Obama or Mc Cain…cause for them, Indonesia is a big country in population and lead by some silly-sally president (as always…oh 5h17!!!)…The one and only way to change this point of view  is to strengthen our educations and individual living skill…to overcome all the destructive political barrier from state… and it has to be begin by learning how the Israelian can master the state…